Matsuda Y, Ishizaki T, Uto T, Onoda I, Wong RW, Takahashi K, Hirata E, Kuroda K. Dual-Functionalized Zwitterionic Polymers for Cell Cryopreservation. Langmuir. online ahead of print, 2025.
Taniguchi K, Sugihara K, Miura T, Hoshi D, Kohno S, Takahashi C, Hirata E, Kiyokawa E. Cholesterol synthesis is essential for the growth of liver metastasis-prone colorectal cancer cells. Cancer Science. 115(11):3817-3828, 2024.
Giangreco G, Rullan A, Naito Y, Biswas D, Liu YH, Hooper S, Nenclares P, Bhide S, CheangM, Chakravarty P, Hirata E, Swanton C, Melcher A, Harrington K, Sahai E. Cancer cell-fibroblast crosstalk via HB-EGF/EGFR/MEK signaling promotes expression of macrophage chemo-attractants in squamous cell carcinoma. iScience. 3;27(9):110635, 2024.
Mizutani R, Hirata E*. Intracardiac Injection Mouse Model to Study Cancer Cell Dormancy in Brain Metastasis. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2811:113-122, 2024. (*corresponding author)
Ishibashi K, Hirata E*. Multifaceted interactions between cancer cells and glial cells in brain metastasis. Cancer Science. 115(9):2871-2878, 2024. (*corresponding author)
Kondo N, Kinouchi T, Natsumeda M, Matsuzaki J, Hirata E, Sakurai Y, Okada M, Suzuki M. Profile of miRNAs in small extracellular vesicles released from glioblastoma cells treated by boron neutron capture therapy. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 168(1):91-97, 2024.
Ishizaki T, Tanaka D, Ishibashi K, Takahashi K, Hirata E, Kuroda K. Cell damage mechanisms during cryopreservation in a zwitterion solution and its alleviation by DMSO. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 128(16):3904-3909, 2024
Kato Y, Uto T, Ishizaki T, Tanaka D, Ishibashi K, Matsuda Y, Onoda I, Kobayashi A, Hazawa M, Wong RW, Takahashi K, Hirata E, Kuroda K. Optimization of Zwitterionic Polymers for Cell Cryopreservation. Macromolecular bioscience. e2300499, 2024.
Ishibashi K, Ichinose T, Kadokawa R, Mizutani R, Iwabuchi S, Togi S, Ura H, Tange S, Shinjo K, Nakayama J, Nanjo S, Niida Y, Kondo Y, Hashimoto S, Sahai E, Yano S, Nakada M, Hirata E*. Astrocyte-induced mGluR1 activates human lung cancer brain metastasis via glutamate-dependent stabilization of EGFR. Developmental Cell. 59(5):1-16, 2024. (*corresponding author)
Kato Y, Matsuda Y, Uto T, Tanaka D, Ishibashi K, Ishizaki T, Ohta A, Kobayashi A, Hazawa M, Wong RW, Ninomiya K, Takahashi K, Hirata E, Kuroda K. Cell-compatible isotonic freezing media enabled by thermo-responsive osmolyte-adsorption/exclusion polymer matrices. Communications Chemistry. 6: 260, 2023.
Tange S, Hirano T, Idogawa M, Hirata E, Imoto I, Tokino T. MYEOV overexpression induced by demethylation of its promoter contributes to pancreatic cancer progression via activation of the folate cycle/c-Myc/mTORC1 pathway. BMC Cancer. 23(1):85, 2023.
Ishizaki T, Takeuchi Y, Ishibashi K, Gotoh N, Hirata E*, Kuroda K*. Cryopreservation of tissues by slow-freezing using an emerging zwitterionic cryoprotectant. Scientific Reports. 13(1):37, 2023. (*co-corresponding author)
Komori T, Kato Y, Ishibashi K, Ninomiya K, Wada N, Hirose D, Takahashi K, Hirata E, Kuroda K. Characterization and Application of Carboxylate-type zwitterions synthesized by one-step. Journal of Ionic Liquids. 2(1):100027, 2022.
黒田 浩介、平田 英周 「生命科学のための新規溶媒:DMSO依存からの脱却」 生化学 94巻2号 298-301頁 (2022)
Kato Y, Uto T, Tanaka D, Ishibashi K, Kobayashi A, Hazawa M, Wong RW, Ninomiya K, Takahashi K, Hirata E*, Kuroda K*. Synthetic zwitterions as efficient non-permeable cryoprotectants. Communications Chemistry. 4:151, 2021. (*co-corresponding author)
Sharma G, Kato Y, Hachisu A, Ishibashi K, Ninomiya K, Takahashi K, Hirata E, Kuroda K. Synthesis of a cellulose dissolving liquid zwitterion from general and low-cost reagents. Cellulose. doi.org/10.1007/s10570-021-04185-y, 2021.
Kadokawa R, Fujie T, Sharma G, Ishibashi K, Ninomiya K, Takahashi K, Hirata E*, Kuroda K*. High loading of trimethylglycine promotes aqueous solubility of poorly water-soluble cisplatin. Scientific Reports. 11(1):9770, 2021. (*co-corresponding author)
Kuroda K*, Komori T, Ishibashi K, Uto T, Kobayashi I, Kadokawa R, Kato Y, Ninomiya K, Takahashi K, Hirata E*. Non-aqueous, zwitterionic solvent as an alternative for dimethyl sulfoxide in the life sciences. Communications Chemistry. 3:163, 2020.
(*co-corresponding author)
Kondo N, Hikida M, Nakada M, Sakurai Y, Hirata E, Takeno S, Suzuki M. Glioma stem like cells can be targeted in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy with boronophenylalanine. Cancers. 12(10):3040, 2020.
Hirata E*, Ishibashi K, Kohsaka S, Shinjo K, Kojima S, Kondo Y, Mano H, Yano S, Kiyokawa E, Sahai E. The brain microenvironment induces DNMT1 suppression and indolence of metastatic cancer cells. iScience. 23(9):101480, 2020. (*corresponding author)
Wang R, Yamada T, Arai S, Fukuda K, Taniguchi H, Tanimoto A, Nishiyama A, Takeuchi S, Yamashita K, Ohtsubo K, Matsui J, Onoda N, Hirata E, Taira S, Yano S. Distribution and activity of lenvatinib in brain tumor models of human anaplastic thyroid cancer cells in severe combined immune deficient mice. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 18(5):947-956, 2019.
Hirata E and Kiyokawa E. ERK activity imaging during migration of living cells in vitro and in vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20(3):679, 2019.
近藤 夏子、平田 英周 「第9章 6. 脳腫瘍」 がん生物学イラストレイテッド 第2版(編集 渋谷 正史・湯浅 保仁) 483-492頁 羊土社(2019)
Hirata E*, Ichikawa T*, Horike S, Kiyokawa E. Active K-RAS induces the coherent rotation of epithelial cells: A model for collective cell invasion in vitro. Cancer Science. 109(12):4045-4055, 2018. (*co-first author)
Hirata E*, and Sahai E*. Tumor Microenvironment and Differential Responses to Therapy. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine. 7(7):a026781, 2017. (*co-corresponding author)
Hirata E* and Kiyokawa E*. Future Perspective of Single-Molecule FRET Biosensors and Intravital FRET Microscopy. Biophysical Journal. 111(6):1103-11, 2016. (*co-corresponding author)
Seifert H*, Hirata E*, Gore M, Khabra K, Messiou C, Larkin J, Sahai E. Extrinsic factors can mediate resistance to BRAF inhibition in CNS melanoma metastases. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research. 29(1):92-100, 2016. (*co-first author)
平田 英周 「がん細胞とがん関連線維芽細胞の相互作用」 生体の科学 67巻2号 146-150頁 (2016)
平田 英周 「BRAF阻害剤による悪性黒色腫微小環境のparadoxical activationの分子機構」がん分子標的治療 14巻1号 87-92頁 (2016)
Hirata E, Girotti MR, Viros A, Hooper S, Spencer-Dene B, Matsuda M, Larkin J, Marais R and Sahai E. Intravital imaging reveals how BRAF inhibition generates drug tolerant microenvironments with high integrinβ1/FAK signaling. Cancer Cell. 27(4):574-88, 2015.
~ 2014
Hirata E, Park D, Sahai E. Retrograde flow of cadherins in collective cell migration. Nature Cell Biology. 16(7):621-3 2014.
Yukinaga H, Shionyu C, Hirata E, Ui-Tei K, Nagashima T, Kondo S, Okada M and Matsuda M. Fluctuation of Rac1 activity causes biological and transcriptional heterogeneity of glioma cells. Journal of Cell Science. 15:1805-15. 2014.
Hirata E, Yukinaga H, Kamioka Y, Arakawa Y, Miyamoto S, Okada T, Sahai E, and Matsuda M. In vivo fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging reveals differential activation of Rho-family GTPases in glioblastoma cell invasion. Journal of Cell Science. 125: 858-68. 2012.
Kamioka Y, Sumiyama K, Mizuno R, Sakai Y, Hirata E, Kiyokawa E, Matsuda M. Live imaging of protein kinase activities in transgenic mice expressing FRET biosensors. Cell Structure and Function. 37(1):65-73. 2012.
Aoki K, Komatsu N, Hirata E, Kamioka Y, Matsuda M. Stable expression of FRET biosensors: a new light in cancer research. Cancer Science. 103(4):614-9. 2012.
Hirata E, Arakawa Y, Shirahata M, Yamaguchi M, Kishi Y, Okada T, Takahashi JA, Matsuda M, and Hashimoto N. Endogenous tenascin-C enhances glioblastoma invasion with reactive change of the surrounding brain tissue. Cancer Science. 100:1451-1459, 2009.
Hirata E*, Higashi T, Iwamuro Y, Watanabe Y, Ando M, Arakawa Y, and Nakahara I. Angioplasty and stent deployment in acute sinus thrombosis following endovascular treatment of dural arteriovenous fistulae. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 16:725-727, 2009.
(*corresponding author)
Iwamuro Y, Nakahara I, Higashi T, Iwaasa M, Watanabe Y, Hirata E, Tsunetoshi K, Taha M. Tentorial dural arteriovenous fistula presenting symptoms due to mass effect on the dilated draining vein: case report. Surgical Neurology. 65:511-515, 2006.
平田 英周 「イギリスの脳血管障害急性期医療」 脳血管障害の急性期マネジメント (監修 橋本 信夫)275-276頁 文光堂(2014)
平井 収、松本 眞人、平田 英周 「未破裂脳動静脈奇形の治療 一般市中病院での経験」脳卒中の外科 34巻4号 289-293頁 (2006)
岩室 康司、中原 一郎、東 登志夫、渡邉 芳彦、奥 高行、平田 英周、常俊 顕三、Mahmoud Taha「頸動脈急性閉塞に対する
急性期血行再建術」 Neurosurgical Emergency 11巻 32-39頁 (2006)
平井 収、平田 英周、松本 眞人 「大きなdumbbell type C2 neurinomaの1例」大阪市医学会雑誌 46巻55号 1-2頁 (2006)
朝日 稔、金 秀浩、藤本 基秋、岡田 崇志、平田 英周 「慢性期に環軸椎亜脱臼が遅延性に進行した頚椎外傷の1症例」
脊髄外科 20巻1号 55-61頁 (2006)
中原 一郎、渡邉 芳彦、東 登志夫、岩室 康司、藤本 基秋、奥 高行、平田 英周 「頚動脈ステント留置術に続発したコレステロール
塞栓症の1例」 脳神経外科ジャーナル 13巻8号 583-587頁 (2004)